Food is inclusive and so should be our approaches. The inclusiveness of food is exclusive to food.
The Tick Box
✔ Do Food and Study Food capture the essence of living.
✔ Food stands for renewal. It is the fons et origo of all knowledge, of culture and traditions, trade, ecology and science.
✔ Thanks to food we can create communities, shape the economy, and foster learning. We link it to water, energy and land activities.
✔ Health and nutrition are food-reliant.
✔ Food is embedded in our social institutions. It has written our language, history (including the reasons and causes of conflict) and religion.
✔ Food is a simple proposition and is integral to the notions of upbringing (implying family structures) and education (implying social structures).
Start with Food is a digital publication exploring all things food. We know that food is inclusive, and that it truly ticks all the boxes. It is a case of good news first. How refreshing! Further details of the publication are given below:
Title: Start with Food
Sub-title: Can we have a food, energy and water education, please?
Featuring: The Meaning of Creation
Subjects: Food, Family and Social Structures, Education, Language, Economy, Health, Housing, History, Wars and Conflict, Religion.
Food Dimension
We praise and celebrate food, yet food is also experienced as a problem. Not one but many. According to the Wellcome Trust,
“ Humanity faces profound questions about how our planet can sustain nine billion people by 2050. With the trend of urbanisation, the majority of the world’s population now lives in cities. There is a global nutrition crisis, with dual problems of under nutrition and obesity. Meanwhile, environmental and population changes have major implications for issues including food and nutrition security, access to clean water and sanitation, and natural disasters. “The future is bleak. Awareness, if any, of these problems still does not mean that we know what to do. On the very nature of ‘problems’ this much can be said. 1) Typically we blame one another for them; 2) The shock waves created by problems will push us in many different directions; and 3) We are always part of what we happen to describe but do not see it that way. So, in our case, what is the problem? The patient is sick and humanity is in deep trouble. This is a humanity to be rescued. Playing the blame game as we often do can only mean one thing – we fail. Problems fester and multiply.
Start with Food is the answer to those ‘profound questions’ thanks to the combined food, energy and water education it offers. This is no mean achievement! Food offers solutions! It is self-contained and self-evident. Remember this as you leaf through these pages confronting a barrage of doom and gloom. The food solution, once again, awaits you at the end.
You never change things
by fighting the existing reality.
To change something build a new model
that makes the existing model obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller